I am a Bear in Bull’s Clothing and I Think Bernake is a Market Socialist!

In the middle of March I had an inkling that all was not well with my thinking. My thinking was that the market would pullback and that the global economy would slow down. Well I was wrong, and in the referenced blog entry I talked about what my head told me, and what my gut was telling me. It seems that my gut was telling me the right thing. As a result I have become a bear in bull’s clothing. This means I grudgingly accept the bull rally, but I don’t like it one bit!

The problem is inflation and getting it under control. Yes we can argue about how to measure inflation, but the reality is that there is inflation and I see it everyday in our pocket books. Low inflation, or virtually no inflation is good for the economy because it keeps the economy efficient. I had a gut feeling that Bernake was an inflation dove and cared more about the well being of the individual people.

3 Small Words in the Caribbean…

He said, “You know, my friends always ask me how I can afford to leave my home in Canada every winter. I don’t have a great job. I have a good job, but I’m not rich. I always turn to them and say the exact same thing…”

Thanks. :)

I just wanted to thank all of you readers for making IG an interesting place for discussions and arguments and rants about my favorite topics. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, Invest in peace…

What About API N?

In reply to my automated trading blog entry I have had people send me emails asking what about this or that toolkit? This made me think that I should be doing some reviewing of products and toolkits. Therefore if anybody wants to send me your toolkit WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS I will do a feature by feature (more…)

How about a game of Risk?

When people talk about investments, they tend to leave out a missing value that everyone ignores when figuring out their investment strategy. That little tidbit of information would be the massive elephant in the room called: risk.

Mathew Emmert: Fool of Crap

At Motley Fool, bad information and skewed research are the topic of the day.

Good ol’ Mathew Emmert over at Motley fool posted an article this week, which you can read here, that states that “dividend stocks beat the market.” Whoopdie freakin’ doo. We’ve all heard this before, even some people here at Investor Geeks believe in the dividend stocks, which is fine, however, let me explain why this article is full of crap.

Financial Statements: A Step-by-Step Guide to Understanding and Creating Financial Reports – Reviewed

What a treat for investors or business owners! I wish I had this book when I started my first business – it would have certainly sped up my learning process at the time. And for investors who want a good solid background on reading financial statements, it’s hard to imagine a better introduction.

Where Are Vanguard Funds Going?

I know my writing often sounds like I’m preaching for everybody to be value investors. That’s simply not true! I only feel that some people can be value investors due to the temperament and the time needed to perform analysis. So what do I tell the general public who couldn’t care less about reading financial statements, or sitting in front of the computer day-trading?

Mutual funds are still the no-brainer solution for the average joe. Much “marketing” debate has been made about management fees. They’re not wrong to be critical but everything is really dependent on the “net” returns you’re able to achieve. My only concern is that consumers do the minimum work of researching the track-record of the fund and the fund manager. A long, consistent and positive tracking record is a must for active-managed funds.

But when John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, decided to balk the norms of the financial industry and aggressively market passive index funds, it was a strong indictment on the vast majority of managers who fail to beat their corresponding benchmark indexes. Vanguard’s promotion of this strategy still trumpets strongly, but there are signs of shifting towards actively managing their index funds, even if it’s just a little bit!

Become an Investor Geek: New Authors Wanted

In honor of Labor Day, we are offering to employ between 5-10 new authors. If you are interested in becoming a contributing writer for our site, please: Send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and blog URL if you have one, to contact {at} investorgeeks * com. Include a brief summary (no more than 200 (more…)

Announcing the INVESTools Forum

We’re pleased to announce our new INVESTools forums. InvestorGeeks is one of the top ranking sites for web surfers looking for information on the high-end investing toolkit called INVESTools. Last year we wrote about the product in an article called “Phil Town and INVESTools.” In that piece we investigated whether these two new faces in (more…)