I just saw a report that said barefoot runners do less damage to their body, at least according to the study. Runners who eschew shoes may be less likely to do serious injury to their feet, because they hold their feet differently, Daniel Lieberman of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and colleagues found. Writing in (more…)
Wow, all I can say is wow! The iPad is quite impressive, and they nailed the prices. Good going Apple. Will I buy Apple shares? Nope, but I will probably buy an Apple iPad…
Oh yes, the pullback is due to the “politics” of the situation. Yes, yes let’s all delude ourselves on that issue. After all was the election of Scott Brown not supposed to cause a market rally? John Stewart himself talks about it. (Fast forward to 7:30 minutes into the show). The Daily Show With Jon (more…)
So I saw the earnings of Starbucks and thought, “really? That well? Really?” And I dug into the earnings transcript and found something that made me think otherwise. Favorable commodity costs and sales leverage in relation to our occupancy costs have also contributed to the improvement. … Moving now to results in our international segment. (more…)
When I saw how Kraft is buying Cadbury’s I thought it was a bad deal. Not because of the financials but because of what Kraft is doing. I decided to take a good look at their product portfolio and I gasped. Kraft is a company that is going to get walloped by the governments. Kraft (more…)
Folks this blog posting is a must read, and I agree with it completely! BTW I did read his book, gave it 5 stars at Amazon, and will be giving another book review via Video podcast. Video podcast you ask? I am thinking of moving my blog into the next century, and do 2-3 minute (more…)
Yet again the Greek boogieman has come out. Greece is going to take down the entire Eurozone. And there are studies on how to kick out a member of the Eurozone. So sell, sell, sell the Euro… Meanwhile, all Eurozone CEO’s are cheering with each and every downtick. They are thinking, “hey we are going (more…)
And yet again a rating agency drops the rating of Greece. After all Greece is a problem yes? Let’s look at what Trichet had to say about this. Comparing the euro zone to the United States in size and diversity, Trichet said that there are always more competitive and less competitive regions. Being part of (more…)
Today on Fast Money I heard the following: I don’t care what the price of Microsoft is right now I want to buy in. This is a clear sign of a bubble. I was talking to a friend and he said, “you know this feels very similar to the dot com bubble.” I completely agreed. (more…)
So I watched the new announcements of the Microsoft Slate and how “everybody” seems to be underwhelmed. Wow, really? Granted it is not that exciting of a topic, but I am not underwhelmed at all. Actually I am glad Microsoft did what they did. They showed a product that actually looks usable and is not (more…)