Earnings Guidances: Stay Or Go?

Is it possible to predict the quarterly earnings for a business, or a giant multi-billion dollar conglomerate accurately down to a single/narrow cent-per-share figure? A large number of investment analysts out there sure think so! After all, who wants to be the sucker who can only give you a broad earnings range, when “I” can give you the exact figure, so “I” must be better. So pay “me”, and hire “me”! And may god strike it down if that company misses “my” estimate by even one cent! It’s not “my” estimation error, it’s their fault! (Returning back to normal) I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me just now!

But can you hear the analysts tooting their own horns as they predict earnings? And when did companies think it was a good idea to help these overpaid statisticans along with corporate guidances? Is it a good idea? I’d love to hear from you, but I’ll first share my perpsective!

Become an Investor Geek: New Authors Wanted

In honor of Labor Day, we are offering to employ between 5-10 new authors. If you are interested in becoming a contributing writer for our site, please: Send your name, e-mail address, phone number, and blog URL if you have one, to contact {at} investorgeeks * com. Include a brief summary (no more than 200 (more…)

Keep Tabs on All Our Investor Geeks

I’ve thrown together a few tools you guys can use to keep tabs on us. Subscribing to the InvestorGeeks feed is the first way, but we also do a lot of writing outside of the site. At Rollyo.com, you can use our custom-configured InvestorGeeks_Authors search engine which will search through a list of all the (more…)

Business News from Around the Web

From time to time I find things on the web that pique my interest. And from time to time I’ll share those items with you. So here goes. NPR has some Financial Advice for Twenty-Somethings. The Baltimore Sun has an article describing what those with interest-only loans set to reset in the coming year (up (more…)

Google Trends on S&P, BBBY, and AMZN

Google TrendsOn Monday, I wrote about using Google Trends as a resource for investing ideas. I took a look at three restaurant businesses which, while they were on my mind at the time, probably weren’t the best candidates for this kind of research.

Below, I’ll take a look at three Google Trends charts and compare them against some corresponding stock charts.
– Trends for “bull market” and “bear market” vs. the S&P 500.
– Trends for “bed”, “bath”, and “kitchen” vs. Bed Bath and Beyond (BBBY).
– Trends for “book” and “books” vs. Amazon.com, Inc. (AMZN).

Coping with Disruptive Change

One of my basic assumptions with regards to planning for the future (whether it is financial planning, or career planning, or other) is that we are in a period of disruptive change (which I’ve been calling the “Information Revolution” – as a way of indicating it is analogous to the Industrial Revolution”).

Periods of gradual change are relatively easy to deal with. Individuals can extrapolate and plan based on the past. Words of wisdom from parents and elders more or less make sense.

Disruptive change adds discontinuities to trend lines. Suddenly what worked in the past does not work anymore. Common knowledge is incorrect. What was good advice can suddenly become very bad advice.

Google Trends: Can it Help Me in the Stock Market?

Google TrendsWe’ve had discussions here about different ways to use the huge amount of data freely available on the web to make better informed investing decisions. Let’s take a look at some graphs courtesy of Google Trends and see if they can inform us about which restaurant stock to purchase.

The Worst Mistake that a Trader Can Make: Average Down

If I’m forced to select only one thing about stock trading to tell you, this is it: do NOT average down. This is not to say that averaging your cost basis on the way down never works. But more often than not, averaging down is a bad decision on top of a wrong one already.

Announcing the INVESTools Forum

We’re pleased to announce our new INVESTools forums. InvestorGeeks is one of the top ranking sites for web surfers looking for information on the high-end investing toolkit called INVESTools. Last year we wrote about the product in an article called “Phil Town and INVESTools.” In that piece we investigated whether these two new faces in (more…)

Creating a Budget You Can Live With

Everybody knows that one of the first critical parts of getting your financial house in order is to create a budget. How can you know if you are living within or beyond your means without one? How can you figure out where best to cut expenses if you don’t know how you’re spending your money?

Budgets, at least as presented by most experts, are very much an all or nothing proposition. What good is a budget that doesn’t include all your expenses? Quite good as it turns out.