Europe Went Red and America Looks Red!

On Monday Europe went completely RED… It was a slaughter. Yet one of my orders triggered. I went into Monday 100% cash, but came out of Monday <100% cash. Today another one of my orders would have triggered. It was so close. Oh well c’est la vie. Hopefully another day will cause that order to trigger.

I’m back! (or I’m here!)

Hey Everyone

Long time no post.

However, I do have an excuse! I am now a married man living in North Carolina. That’s right – I am an immigrant (of the legal variety) fresh from the shores of Australia…

Gavin’s Calling All Canadians: RSP Advice

Got this email from a fan. And since none of the current writers are Canadian, I thought I’d throw this out there. BTW, RSP stands for “Registered Retirement Savings Plan” and seems to be a Canadian 401k. I’m sure a lot of the standard retirement plan advice would apply, but we’re looking for a Canadian (more…)

Jim Cramer Nails it On The Head!

Jim Cramer nails it on the head on what the core of the problem of the industry is! Good for him! Finally somebody said it loud enough. Surf to the link, and watch the video, takes about 11 minutes but it is REALLY good… So why was this not caught earlier? Cramer says five minutes (more…)

New Year for China: 2008

With China’s GDP growth rate reaching over 8% over the past 5 years, China still may be in it for another year. China looks good for the long run, but their short run bubble may be a risky investment. With the Olympics coming and FDI in 2007 reaching 67.3 billion dollars, the highest in the world, China may have risk of a slow down. Problems include their 1.5 trillion USD forex reserve and their appreciating currency which are at the forefront of news.

Expectations have been rising faster then…

We’re Buying a House

A BuildingSo Kim and I are in the process of buying a house. We’re going through a lot and learning tons of stuff that would be great to share with all of you.

Perhaps more importantly, there are a bunch of folks smarter than me who occasionally read this. So I’m hoping we can get some good advice here and there.

But to start I’ll just try to give a little background in this post before I get into some more specific topics later. For those who don’t know, I do web development with my wife Kim. We work for our own company Stranger Studios and work from home (our apartment right now). This is all going very well. Work is good. Making your own hours is great. Spending every minute of every day with the woman I love is truly incredible. I doubt most couples could do it, but Kim and I pull it off with style.

Life is good. Ok.

Because we work from home, we could live anywhere. And we’ve been conscious of this. We’ve considered a number of places to settle down for the next 5 years or so: Arizona, New Mexico, Mexico Proper, San Francisco, Napa, Oregon, Idaho. One fun game we had was to open up Google Maps and just zoom into a random spot on the map. We’d look for lakes, rivers, small towns, or anything else that looked interesting to live near.

10% Down and What Now?

I started this blog entry last Friday, and am actually pleasantly happy that things have gone further down. This all has to do with things that I have been talking about in previous blog entries.

Is it a time to buy? Undertrader says now could be a good time to buy.

The other important thing is to have PLENTY of cash for the first week in January to buy the stocks that drop due to people taking their profits this way. I would say 60% of my stock purchases for the last 5 years have taken place in the first week of January taking advantage of the profit sell-offs. Be ready for that!

Interesting thought, but one has to wonder, is it a time to buy? According to the blow horn Larry Kudlow it is time to buy, at least that is what he was saying last Friday.

My Initial Democratic and Republican Predictions

Ok, this is a way long shot, but here are my Democratic and Republican ticket nominations. I say it is a long shot because my gut is telling me something and that is what I will follow on.

Democratic: John Edwards

Republican: Mike Huckabee

2008 and Beyond… (What To Do in a Bearish Market)

I was asked by redddweb the following question:

The last few posts of yours sounds as if your market sentiment is bearish. How do hedge against these risks, as well as dollar fall, inflation, etc; I would love to see a blog entry on facing these challenges(invest in gold? it too is at all time high ( )

Redddweb was not the only one who asked me a question along the same lines. I have been getting a few emails asking people "what’s next?" As I have said in the past most of my blog entries take some time to write because I like to mull things over. This blog entry is no exception.