Thought I’d share a few articles I found over the past week or two, that I think are worth a read. We have two articles from BusinessWeek. The first one profiling great companies with which to launch one’s career. Lucky me I work for one of them ;-). Content is still King, but it seems (more…)
As you know we recently put out a call for some new InvestorGeeks. We had a strong response again this time, and after deliberation and discussion amongst the founders we have decided on our new Geeks. There will be six in all. I won’t be introducing you to any of them today, they’ll take care (more…)
From time to time I find things on the web that pique my interest. And from time to time I’ll share those items with you. So here goes. NPR has some Financial Advice for Twenty-Somethings. The Baltimore Sun has an article describing what those with interest-only loans set to reset in the coming year (up (more…)
Whether it’s due to bad or irrational decisions, youthful naiveté, a bad streak of luck, or situations totally beyond our control, we’re all faced with mounting debt at some point.
If it gets bad enough, some of us may even have to work with our creditors to forgive some of our debt just to remain solvent. But did you know that getting a break on your debt could greatly effect your tax situation? How about the effect of accepting a settlement offer has on your credit report?
If you’re anything like me then you think that once you click on the appropriate button, or get off the phone with your stock broker, your order speeds off to be filled at whatever price the stock is currently trading at. How wrong I was.
Pension plans have long been offered as part of employee benefit packages. Long thought to be an integral part of any retirement plan. But in todays environment, with large corporate bankruptcies and massively underfunded pension programs, do you still rely on your Pension plan?
So what do you do with all of your billions? If you’re Warren Buffet, you give it all away. Warren Buffet has announced that 85% of his holdings in Berkshire Hathaway will be donated to charity in the coming years. With the lion’s share going to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. More can be (more…)
For a number of years now there has been a cloud over Social Security, brought on by the fact that as the Baby Boomers retire the number of individuals drawing on social security will be greater than the number of individuals paying in. This has been used as a justification and impetus for changes to the Social Security system. But what else will be effected by the retirement of the Boomers?
As I’m sure you’ve all heard by now. Vonage has decided to offer some of their customers a shot at getting in on their IPO action. I happen to be one of those elligible customers, but should I buy in?
Today I got an offer for a new Visa credit card. Now, most credit cards offer you incentives for signing up, a low introductory APR, low interest rate balance transfers, gift cards, and the like. But this offer was different, by signing up for this card. I could get a free Dell laptop.