Don’t Bet Against the Market

My wife and I went to apply for a mortgage as we saw a piece of property that interested us. Considering that I am always interested in knowing the state of the market I asked the mortgage broker how business was. She said, “we are really busy right now.” I looked at her and asked, (more…)

The World Has Changed (2)

On March 17, I said that the world has changed. I wrote.

I will not keep you in suspense, but the world changing event is the fact that the Fed has allowed investment banks to come to the Fed bank teller for money. That has changed everything. What this single action means is that investment banks will be able to tidy their bottom lines, letting the market recover. Though it also means investment banks will have to allow themselves to be regulated.

Arm Chair Politics On Europe

When I invest one of the things that I do is get feedback from the locals. If I am investing in Latin America I get a local contact that gives me the lay of the land in South America. I happen to be lucky because I have family that lives in South America, North America, Europe, and the former Eastern Bloc countries.

Is Volcker An Example of Historical Revisionism!

Via Long and Short.

And you know it hurts my feelings, if nothing else, that the Swiss franc is worth more than the dollar.
-Paul Volcker in an interview this week with Charlie Rose

Yes the famous Paul Volcker who brought stability back to crazy America. Volcker was in office from 1977 to 1987, and to be fair let’s see how well he did against the Swiss Franc.

The State Of The Market

Up, down, up, down it would seem that the entire market has gone nuts. I have also taken my time to post a blog entry talking about the state of the market. Part of it due to a cold I was working off, and other part is that I am busy finding buying opportunities.

Today The World Changed…

I will be releasing my market sentiment blog entry tomorrow, and it is positive. Though what I want to comment on is how the world has changed for the better. What do you think it was? I will not keep you in suspense, but the world changing event is the fact that the Fed has (more…)

Cramer’s Call On Nokia Is Missing Some Facts

He says you should dump Nokia. Why? Because of comments made by TI. Cramer you are a dumb ass! Sorry cannot put it simpler. Cramer do you ever bother to do some basic research on companies? I have a love hate relationship with you, but the more I watch you the more I see that you are a trend trader and not value investor. So quit the act, ok?

Cramer says that Nokia is feeling the heat from Apple, and Motorola. LOL, yeah whatever Cramer. That’s like saying Toyota is feeling the heat from Porsche and Ford.

Buying Commodities = Flipping Houses

People have asked me in the recent week why I don’t buy this commodity rally. I gave it some thought, and came to a conclusion that it is like flipping houses.

Before you continue reading, what did you think of those that flipped houses? What did it do to the market and what are the ramifications?

Oh What a Difference One Day Makes…

Did you see what happened today? One day and folks on CNBC went from “sell sell” to “hey maybe its time to build up a position.” This is funny because you need to ask yourself, what happened? After all we had market technicians saying, “the world is coming to an end.”