This image comparing Tesla’s market cap to the market caps of traditional car companies went viral this week. I think there’s going to be a similar graphic for Coinbase in 5-10 years.

I'm getting vibes from Coinbase lately that reminds me of Apple, Netflix, and Tesla in years past. Investments I made that have all at least 10x from purchase.
TL;DR; If the crypto market goes to $10 Trillion or $100 Trillion, there's no way Coinbase doesn't go from $60b-$600b.
Apple. Makes the iphone. Wow. Everyone is going to have one of these.
"But the big existing phone companies will do it better."
Ha, nope. It's harder than it looks. Apple has an invisible MOAT that keeps them ahead of the competition.
Netflix. Streaming video. Wow. All video will be streamed in the future.
"But the big existing media companies will do it better."
Ha, nope. It's harder than it looks. Netflix has an invisible MOAT that keeps them ahead of the competition.
Tesla. Electric cars. Wow. Almost all cars will be EV in the future.
"But the big existing car companies will do it better."
Ha, nope. It's harder than it looks. Tesla has an invisible MOAT that keeps them head of the competition.
I think you can write Coinbase one right? But first, let me address those of you who will point out (rightly!) how well the competition is doing vs Apple, Netflix, and Tesla.
Yes that's true. The stories not over.
I've already made my 10x on those stocks. It's early for $COIN
Coinbase. Crypto custody and exchange. Wow. Crypto will grow to $10T+ over the next decade.
"But the big existing finance companies will do it better."
Ha, nope. It's harder than it looks. Coinbase has an invisible MOAT that keeps them ahead of the competition.
I own a bit of Coinbase stock now. I'm looking to add. If/when crypto runs and Coinbases price goes above the all time highs, it will go into price discovery.
Do your own research.
Stocks like this get head of earnings and indicators like PE, etc, but I will still do "mainstreet" research to think about how this company can and will make money and if it adds up to a $600b+ company.
I did the same for Netflix and Tesla.
Years back 300m Netflix subs seemed crazy. But you assume the company will hit its goals, raise prices, and multiple 300m x $15/mo. How big is that company?
Same for Tesla. Years back 1m cars per year sounded crazy. But assume it makes that many, multiply by the average car price, guess a margin. How big is that company?
I'll share more as I dig into Coinbase.
By the way, this is a LONG TERM investment. I'm planning to hold for AT LEAST 3-5 years.
Based on this chart, I'd say the stock is MORE LIKELY THAN NOT to go to $300 or even $260 before continuing the uptrend. Be careful. Earnings come out soon.

Originally tweeted by Jason Coleman 🤔💡💻💾 (@jason_coleman) on Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021.