Got this email from a fan. And since none of the current writers are Canadian, I thought I’d throw this out there.
BTW, RSP stands for “Registered Retirement Savings Plan” and seems to be a Canadian 401k. I’m sure a lot of the standard retirement plan advice would apply, but we’re looking for a Canadian perspective.
Hey InvestorGeeks
My name’s Gavin Adamson. I write occasionally for the Globe and Mail
and this time I’m writing a piece about what part online – DIY
investing plays in RSP building.
Not sure if any of you guys have an online RSP account, but if you do,
I’d be interested to speak with you. Here I’m looking for a chat about
what sorts of tools/data research you use to make RSP decisions. Do you
use your online brokerage site research and tools? Are they good?If you don’t have an online, RSP account, or you’re not interested, I’d
appreciate an announcement on your site that I’m looking to speak to
someone. They can get in touch with me at my websiteThanks a lot